Kellie McDonald

I am taking part in the 2024 MS Brissie to the Bay to join the fight against multiple sclerosis.

Together, we are raising funds to show our support. Your donation will make a huge impact to change the lives of people living with MS.

Did you know:

  • On average, more than 10 Australians are diagnosed with MS every week

  • The average age of diagnosis is just 30 years of age.

  • Three out of four Australians with MS are women

Your support will help fund essential services for almost 5,500 Queenslanders living with MS. These services include our NeuroAssist information line, specialist nursing services, wellness programs, and financial support. Your support will also power research into better treatments, and with your support, our hope is that one day there will be a cure for MS.

Please DONATE to support our ride to help ensure no one faces MS alone.

What Kellie has achieved so far

My pledge to fight MS

Uploaded profile picture

Shared my page

Sent an email

Received my first donation

Reached MS Peddaler

Reached MS Mate

Reached MS Star

Reached MS Champion

Halfway to fundraising goal

Reached fundraising goal

Invite a Friend

My Activity Tracking


My target 50kms

Thank you to my sponsors


Janeen Mcclellan

Go Kellie!! A wonderful cause xx. My Aunt and Uncle both suffered from this. It’s amazing you’re doing this ride x. And Lycra is definitely a thing. Hahaha


Sheryn - Findmea

Great cause Kel, good on you


Emma Cleary

Go rockstar!!!



Amazing Kell. Proud of you


Morgans Donations

Thank you for making an impact for people with neurological conditions!


Koky And Dean Savins

Woohoo go Kellie, very proud of you, we hope you have a great ride!


Kellie Mcdonald



Feel that burn. Love ya Kell great work.


Grant Stewart


Janelle Mangan

Go girl … you’ve got this!


Martin Post

Good luck.


Jane & Duncan Andrews

Good luck Kell - you’ll smash it!


Bates Family

Awesome effort Kel


Janine Jackson

Good luck Kell. No doubt you’ll smash it, as you always do!! Xx


Henny And Neil Weatherly

Great job Kellie. Enjoy the ride! 🤗


Alison Detaille

Well done Kel cycling with the Mipela crowd for a great cause! Good luck to the team. Ali


Janine Jackson

Always love seeing your commitment and passion to helping others Kell. Good luck for the ride! No doubt you’ll smash it.


Morgans Donations

Thank you for making an impact for people with neurological conditions!


Simon James

Slay the km's Kel!


Morgans Donations

Thank you for making an impact for people with neurological conditions!


Karin Mullenger

Well done Kellie xxxx