Our ever-popular MS Brissie to the Bay ride (also known as the Ride to Fight MS) is back on Sunday 9 June for its 34th year!

Queenslanders living with MS and other neurological conditions need YOU to lead the charge and help them fight back. Be part of this incredible ride and help us raise $1,200,000 to fund vital support and services – and ensure that no one living with MS or other neurological conditions faces their journey alone.

Choose from five great courses, designed to give riders of all ages and fitness levels the chance to be part of this fantastic community event.

  • 10km
  • 25km
  • 50km
  • 100km
  • 130km

Spaces are limited, so grab your spot today!

The epic 130km route for elite riders which winds its way through some of the Bayside’s most incredible scenery.

Geoff Green, team captain of Greensteam, living with MS since 2011

“This will be my 11th Brissie to the Bay ride – for me, helping people with MS is just a part of life now. The amount of support we’ve received over the years from friends, family and companies has been nothing short of excellent, and I, as well as our Greensteam team members, are truly humbled by it. It just goes to show that there are a lot of good people in the world willing to help others in need.”

- Geoff Green, team captain of Greensteam, living with MS since 2011



Sign up, choose your ride distance and join the Ride to Fight MS as an individual, team or family.


Ask your friends, family and colleagues for their support, and make an incredible impact for people living with MS.


Join us at Musgrave Park on Sunday 9 June, soak up the awesome atmosphere and Ride to Fight MS!


heroic riders have signed up so far


raised so far to support people living with MS


How much does it cost to take part?

Ticket prices vary depending on when you sign up, your age, and how you’re planning to take part.

You can check out detailed pricing information here.

What will I get for my ticket?

As well as your rider pack, which contains a guide, rider plate, helmet sticker and map, your event day experience will include live entertainment, food stalls, a massage service, drink stations along the route, and support from volunteers, medics and mechanics.

You can read more about the event day experience in the full FAQs

Is there an age limit for taking part?

Yes - as the event takes place on roads that are not closed to traffic, there are age minimums for these courses:

  • 25km - 6 years old (children under 5 are permitted in tag-alongs)
  • 50km - 13 years old
  • 100km - 16 years old
  • 130km - 18 years old

“Crossing the line and hearing my daughter screaming and clapping ‘Go Mummy go’ made me incredibly emotional. I had never done anything like this in my life, so it was a great feeling of accomplishment.“

Maddie Leverett, mother of 2, was first diagnosed with MS in 2019 at the age of 29. She has been undergoing treatment since then, and is truly grateful for the support she’s been receiving from MS Queensland.

“I have truly never felt alone. I hope to continue to support MS Queensland and become more involved in fundraising and raising awareness around MS.”

- Maddie Leverett, participant in the 25km ride in 2023, living with MS


MS is one of the most common diseases of the central nervous system. It may affect the brain, spinal cord and optic nerve and impacts more young people in Australia than any other chronic neurological disease. There are currently 5,500 Queenslanders living with MS.

All money raised by our participants in the MS Brissie to the Bay goes towards changing the lives of people with MS, as well as other neurological conditions. We provide programs and support for these people including social support programs, physio, exercise and occupational therapy, counselling, assistance with accessing NDIS funding and support workers across Queensland.

Read more about MS Queensland's work here

